Member Publications

Andrea Carol Abrams More »

God and Blackness: Race, Gender and Identity in a Middle Class Afrocentric (March 2014 NYU Press)

Vanessa Agard-Jones More »

Agard-Jones, Vanessa. Bodies in the System. Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, November 2013 Volume 17 Issue 3.

Agard-Jones, Vanessa. What the Sands Remember. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 2012 Volume 18, Number 2-3: 325-346.

Agard-Jones, Vanessa. Le Jeu de Qui? Sexual Politics at Play in the French Caribbean. Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, 2009. Reprinted in Sex and the Citizen: Interrogating the Caribbean (Faith Smith, ed.), University of Virginia Press, 2011.

Agard-Jones, Vanessa and Manning Marable, eds. Transnational Blackness: Navigating the Global Color Line (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).

Jafari Sinclaire Allen More »

Jafari S Allen. 2013. “Race/Sex Theory ‘Toward a New and More Possible Meeting’.” 2013 Cultural Anthropology

Jafari S Allen, Editor . 2012. Black/Queer/Diaspora: 2012. A Special Issue of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies.

Jafari S Allen. 2012. “Black/Queer/Diaspora at the Current Conjuncture.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Vol. 18: 2 & 3,

Jafari S Allen. 2012. “A Conversation ‘Overflowing with Memory’: On Omise’eke Natasha Tinsley’s ‘Water, Shoulders, Into the Black Pacific’ ” 2012. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies Vol. 18.2 &3,

Jafari S Allen. 2012. “One way or another: Erotic Subjectivity in Cuba.” American Ethnologist. Vol. 39: 2

Jafari S Allen. 2011. ¡Venceremos?: The Erotics of Black Self-making in Cuba (Perverse Modernities series). Duke University Press.

Jafari S Allen. 2010. ‘In the Life’ In Diaspora: Desire/Autonomy/Community. In 2010 Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health and Human Rights. Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton, Eds. Routledge Press

Jafari S Allen 2009. “For ‘the Children’. Dancing the Beloved Community” 2009. Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society

Jafari S Allen 2009. “Blackness. Sexuality. Transnational Desire: Initial Notes Toward a New Research Agenda.” In New Directions in Black Sexuality Studies. Juan Battle and Sandra Barnes, Eds. Rutgers University Press

Jafari S Allen. 2009. “Looking Black at Revolutionary Cuba.” ‘Cuba: Interpreting a Half-Century of Revolution and Resistance’. Latin American Perspectives. Vol. 36 no. 1 53-62

Jafari S Allen. 2007. “Crucial Palimpsest: Re-Reading Brother to Brother”. Introduction to New Edition. 2007. In Brother to Brother: New Writings By Black Gay Men. (Originally edited by Essex Hemphill and conceived by Joseph Beam). Redbone Press. Washington, DC

Dr Connie Major Anderson More »

Anderson, Connie M. 1981 Intertroop relations in chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)> International Journal of Primatology 2:285-310.

Anderson, Connie M. 1981 Subtrooping in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) population. Primates 22:445-458.

Anderson, Connie M. 1982 Baboons below the Tropic of Capricorn. Journal of human evolution 11:205-217.

Anderson, Connie M. 1983 Levels of social organization and male-female bonding in the genus Papio. American journal of physical anthropology 60:15-22.

Anderson, Connie M. 1986 Female age, male preference and reproductive success in primates. International journal of primatology 7:305-326.

Anderson, Connie M. 1987 Female transfer in baboons. American journal of physical anthropology 73:241-250.

Anderson, Connie M. 1989 Neanderthal pelves and gestation length. American Anthropologist 91:327-340.

Anderson, Connie M. 1989 The spread of exclusive mating in a chacma baboon population. American journal of physical andthropology 78:355-360.

Anderson, Connie M. 1990 Desert, mountain and savanna baboons. In: Milton Thiago de Mello, ed. Baboons. Brasilia: Federal University of Brasilia Press, pp. 89-103.

Anderson, Connie M. and Craig F. Bielert 1990 Adult-immature sexual interactions in non-human primates. In: Jay Feierman, ed. Adult human sexual behavior with children and adolescents. Berling: Springer Verlag, pp. 178-200.

Anderson, Connie M. And Craig F. Bielert 1991 Adolescent females as supra-normal stimuli. American journal of physical anthropology suppl. 12:43.

Anderson, Connie M. 1992 Male investment under changing conditions among chacma baboons at Suikerbosrand. American journal of physical anthropology 87:479-496.

Anderson, Connie M. 1993 New World mating and rearing systems in theories of Old World primates. In: Warren Kinzey, Ed. Ecology, evolution and behavior of New World primates. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, pp. 119-126.

Anderson, Connie M. 1994 Adolescent exaggeration if female catarrhine primates. Primates 35:283-300.

Anderson, Connie M. and Patrick Heaton 1996 Creating legitimate, workable political structures for the 21st century from African models. Twenty0first century Afro review special issue 2:1-22.

Anderson, Connie M. 2000 The persistence of polygyny as an adaptive response to poverty and oppression in apartheid South Africa. Journal of cross-cultural research 34:99-112.

Anderson, Connie M., Jason Clarke and Andrew Perzigian 2001 Soccer, racism, ethnic identity and reconciliation in the old and the new South Africa. In: S. Asumah and I. Johnson-Anumonwo, eds. Issues in Africa and the African diaspora in the 21st Century. Binghamton: Global publications, pp. 97-108.

Anderson, Connie, Troy Bielert and Ryan Jones 2001 Soccer and the construction of reconciliation in South Africa. Social justice: Anthropology, peace and human rights 2:141-160.

Anderson, Connie, Troy Bielert and Ryan Jones 2004 One country, one sport, endless knowledge. Antropologica 46:47-55.

Anderson, Connie (in press) Why is the AIDS epidemic so severe in South Africa? New York Africana Studies Association.

James Battle More »

Coding for Culture: Developing an Ethnographic Blueprint for Building Cultural Competence in two Medical School Curricula, James Battle, PhD, Erika Schillinger, MD, , Rebecca Blankenburg , MD, Sylvia Bereknyei, DrPH, Joan Hilton, D.Sc.,Jacqueline Ramos, MA, Charlotte de Vries, MPH, Emily Weibel, BS, Clarence Braddock MD, Jason Satterfield, PhD), submitted for internal review, UCSF, 12/03/2013

Race, Genomics, and Health Disparities: Classificatory Politics and Bioethical Conscription, (book manuscript) in preparation

Inside the Technology of Appearances: Hardwiring Race, Improving Predictive Power, (article) in preparation

Sweet Salvation: The Black Church, Inclusion, and Type 2 Diabetes, (article) in preparation

Race and Anthropology, Race in Anthropology: From Race to Ancestry, Gene to Genotype. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Vol. 95: 1-6, 2007.

Ancient Medicine, Present Context: Learning Ayurveda in the West-Some Preliminary Impressions. (McNair Scholars Journal, January 2005)