Affiliated Institutions

Adelphi University

Melanie E. L. Bush (Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a "Post-Racial" World, 2011 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. second edition), and co-author with Roderick D. Bush of Tensions in the American Dream: Rhetoric, Reverie or Reality? (forthcoming 2014 / Temple University Press). She is an Associate Professor in Anthropology/Sociology at Adelphi University; and active for many years with organizations working for justice, peace and equality.

Areas of Research

Social Movements, Race, Ethnicity and Nation, World Systems/Political Economy


2011. Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World (second edition of Breaking the Code of Good Intentions: Everyday Forms of Whiteness). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

2010. “White World Supremacy and the Creation of Nation: ‘American Dream’ or ‘Global Nightmare’?” Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies E-journal. Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association. Volume 6. No. 1. (Modified reprint).

2008. “American Dream” or Global Nightmare?” Journal of Global Initiatives Adebayo, Akanmu and Olutayo Adesina. Editors. Kennesaw, GA: Kennesaw State University. Volume 3. Number 2. 135-149.

2008. “Case Study: The United States Post World War II.” Co-authored with Roderick D. Bush. Nations and Nationalisms in Global Perspective: An Encyclopedia of Origins, Development, and Contemporary Transitions. David H. Kaplan and Guntram H. Herb, Editors. Oxford, UK: ABC-CLIO. 1299-1312.

2011. “Unpledging Allegiance: The U.S. Nation Must Make the African Connection.” Transnational Africa and Globalization: Homeland, Identity and the Diaspora. Co-edited by Mojubaolu Olufunke Okome and Olufemi Vaughan. Palgrave/Macmillan.

2009. “Teaching toward Praxis and Political Engagement.” Co-authored with Deborah L. Little. Engaging Social Justice: Critical Studies of 21st Century Social Transformation. Studies in Critical Social Sciences. Fasenfest, David, Editor. Leiden: Brill. 11-36.

2009. “Reform or Revolution: Curricular Transformation in Higher Education.” Diversity in Mind and in Action. Chin, Jean Lau, Editor. Westport, CT: Praeger Press. 611-618.

2006-07. “Whiteness Matters: National Belonging in the United States.” Athanor. Semiotica, Filosofia, Arte, Letteratura Special Issue on White Matters/ Il Bianco in Questione. Susan Petrilli, Editor. Augusto Ponzio, General Editor. Serie annuale del Dipartimento di Pratiche Linguistiche e Analisi di Testi dell’Università di Bari Anno XVII, n. 10. 118-126.

2005. “Social Norms, Racial Narratives and the Mission of Public Education.” Tsantsa, Revue de la Societe Suisse d’Ethnologie. Special Issue: “School-Society-Globalization.” Elke-Nicole Kappus, Editor. October. 58-69.

2004. “Race, Ethnicity and Whiteness.” Sage Race Relations Abstracts (SRRA). Louis Kushnick, Editor. London. Volume 29, Nos. 3-4. August/December. 5-48. (April 2007). Ranked #3 of SRRA Most Frequently Cited Articles)


Atlantic Ocean

As the World Turns: Actors on the Stage of Transformational Social Change

This project will document the experiences of people engaged in building movements and communities centered on the process of systemic transformation rather than reform. While there are many extraordinary and important contemporary efforts working to ameliorate the misery brought about by the historic crisis of our times, I will look at those involved in post-capitalist formation.