Affiliated Institutions

National Development and Research Institutes, Inc.

karen g. williams is a Ph.D. candidate at the City University of New York Graduate Center. She received her MA in Performance Studies from New York University and her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Areas of Research

prisons, goverance, race/ racism


Williams, Karen and Andrea Queeley. Study Guide for Let Nobody Turn Us Around. Lanham: Rowan & Littlefield, 2009.

Book Review: Interrupted Life: Experiences of Incarcerated Women in the United States, edited by Solinger et al. Transforming Anthropology, Vol. 21, Issue 1, 2013.


Kansas, United States

From Coercion to Consent?: Governing the Formerly Incarcerated in the 21st Century United States

With over 650,000 people returning home from prison each year, the criminal justice systems of several states have refocused efforts to reduce recidivism rates and ensure public safety. My project traces the day-to-day practices and strategies used to prepare people incarcerated coming home from correctional institutions; and theorizes the (re) responsiblilization-the assignment of blame, accountability and risk-that occurs when the penal state shifts (back) toward rehabilitation.