Affiliated Institutions

Queens College

I am a member of the Ph.D. Faculty in Anthropology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, the Associate Chair of the MA Program in Urban Affairs at Queens College. My work focuses on Black feminist understandings of reproductive justice, violence against women and welfare policy. I am the author of Battered Black Women and Welfare Reform: Between A Rock and A Hard Place (2006); Black Genders and Sexualities co-edited with Shaka McGlotten (2012); and most recently Feminist Activist Ethnography : Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America co-edited with Christa Craven (2013). I recently stepped down as co-editor of Transforming Anthropology, the journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists, and previously served as former president of the Association of Black Anthropologists.

Areas of Research

Reproductive Justice, Political Economy, Gender


Craven, Christa and Dána-Ain Davis, eds. Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013.

Shaka McGlotten and Dána-Ain Davis, eds. Black Genders and Sexualities New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2012.

Davis, Dána-Ain. Battered Black Women and Welfare Reform: Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Albany, NY: SUNY Press

Richie, Beth E., Dána-Ain Davis and LaTosha Traylor. “Feminist Politics, Racialized Imagery and Social Control: Reproductive Injustice in the Age of Obama.” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 14(1-2) (2012):54-56.

Davis, Dána-Ain Davis. “The Construction of Fear in the Academy: Neoliberalism at a Public College.” Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, Vol. 4(1), Spring (2011):42-69.

Davis, Dána-Ain and Christa Craven. “Revisiting Feminist Ethnography: Methods and Activism at the Intersection of Neoliberal Policy” Feminist Formations, Vol. 23(2), Summer(2011):186-203.

Davis, Dána-Ain. “The Politics of Reproduction: The Troubling Case of Nadya Suleman and Reproductive Technology.” Transforming Anthropology. Vol. 17(2), (2009):105-116.

Davis, Dána-Ain, Shaka McGlotten and Vanessa Agard-Jones (eds). “No Beached Whales” – Black Gender and Sexuality I. Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society. Vol. 11(2), (2009):87-93.

Davis, Dána-Ain. “Non-violent Survival Strategies in the Face of Intimate Partner Violence and Economic Discrimination.” Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. Vol. 15, (3/4), (2007): 123-153.

Davis, Dána-Ain. “Narrating the Mute: Racializing and Racism in a Neoliberal Moment.” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society. Vol. 9, (4), (2007): 346-360.


United States

My current work examines the intersection of the Medical Industrial Complex, specifically the proliferation of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU's), and the loss of reproductive services in states where new NICU's have come to be the economic engine of particular communities.